08.00 hrs | FYR | Official familiarization Young Riders 8.00 – 12.00 am | | | |
12.30 hrs | FJR | Official familiarization Juniors 12.30 – 4.30 pm | | | |
12.00 hrs | J01 | Children Training session (1.15/1.20m) 90 sec per horse | |  | |
13.00 hrs | J06 | Juniors Training Session (1.30m) 90 sec per horse | |  | |
14.30 hrs | J11 | Young Riders Training Session (1.40m) 90 sec per horse | |  | |
08.00 hrs | D01I | Juniors Individual Ranking Test: FEI Team Comp Junior Riders 2009 edition (update 2018) | |  |  |
| D01 | The Adequan/FEI NAYC - Juniors Team Test: FEI Team Comp Junior Riders 2009 edition (update 2018) | |  |  |
09.00 hrs | J02 | Children First Competition - Teams and individuals Table A, FEI Art. 238.2.1 - against the clock (1.25m) | |  |  |
| J02T | The Adequan/FEI NAYC - Children Team Team standings after First Competition | |  |  |
10.30 hrs | J07 | Juniors First Competition - Teams and individuals Table C, FEI Art. 239 and 263 - speed and handiness (1.40m) | |  |  |
| | Conversion from Time to Penalties after First Competition | | |  |
| | The Adequan/FEI NAYC - Juniors Team Team standings after First Competition | | |  |
13.00 hrs | J12 | Young Riders First Competition - Teams and individuals Table C, FEI Art. 239 and 263 - speed and handiness (1.45m) | |  |  |
| | Conversion from Time to Penalties after First Competition | | |  |
| | The Adequan/FEI NAYC - Young Riders Team Team standings after First Competition | | |  |
08.00 hrs | D04I | Young Riders Individual Ranking Test: FEI Team Comp Young Riders 2009 edition (update 2018) | |  |  |
| D04 | The Adequan/FEI NAYC - Young Riders Team Test: FEI Team Comp Young Riders 2009 edition (update 2018) | |  |  |
08.00 hrs | TCH | The Adequan/FEI NAYC - Children Team Second Competition - Team final Table A, two identical rounds not against the clock (1.25m) | |  |  |
| J03 | Children Second Competition Table A, two identical rounds not against the clock (1.20/1.30m) | |  |  |
| | The Adequan/FEI NAYC - Children Individual Standings after 3 rounds | | |  |
11.30 hrs | TJun | The Adequan/FEI NAYC - Juniors Team Second Competition - Team final Table A, two identical rounds not against the clock (1.40m) | |  |  |
| J08 | Juniors Second Competition Table A, two identical rounds not against the clock (1.40m) | |  |  |
| | The Adequan/FEI NAYC - Juniors Individual Individual standings after 3 rounds | | |  |
15.30 hrs | TYR | The Adequan/FEI NAYC - Young Riders Team Second Competition - Team final Table A, two identical rounds not against the clock (1.45m) | |  |  |
| J13 | Young Riders Second Competition Table A, two identical rounds not against the clock (1.45m) | |  |  |
| | The Adequan/FEI NAYC - Young Riders Individual Standings after 3 rounds | | |  |
08.00 hrs | D02 | The Adequan/FEI NAYC - Juniors Individual Test: FEI Individual Junior 2009 edition (update 2018) | |  |  |
08.00 hrs | HICh | Second Horse inspection - Children | |  | |
| HIJUN | Second Horse inspection - Juniors | |  | |
| HIYR | Second Horse inspection - Young Riders | |  | |
| J04 | cancelled
Children Farewell Competition Table A, FEI Art. 238.1.2 - not against the clock with jump.off (1.20m) | | | |
10.00 hrs | J09 | Juniors / Young Riders Farewell Competition Table A, FEI Art. 238.2.2 - against the clock with jump-off (1.30m) | |  |  |
08.00 hrs | D05 | The Adequan/FEI NAYC - Young Riders Individual Test: FEI Individual Young Riders 2009 edition (update 2018) | |  |  |
08.30 hrs | J05 | The Adequan/FEI NAYC - Children Individual Individual Final Table A, two rounds not against the clock (1.25/1.30m) | |  |  |
| J05I | Children Competition result only Table A, two rounds not against the clock (1.25/1.30m) | | |  |
11.00 hrs | J10 | The Adequan/FEI NAYC - Juniors Individual Individual Final Table A, two different rounds not against the clock (1.40m) | |  |  |
| J10I | Juniors Competition result only Table A, two different rounds not against the clock (1.40m) | | |  |
14.00 hrs | J15 | The Adequan/FEI NAYC - Young Riders Individual Individual Final Table A, two different rounds not against the clock (1.50m) | |  |  |
| J15I | Young Riders Competition result only Table A, two different rounds not against the clock (1.50m) | | |  |